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Mombasa Relief Org

An Education, Health, and Economic Enrichment initiative for the children of Mombasa, Kenya.

Join Us for our Annual Meeting and Volunteer Service Trip to Kenya.

The Mombasa Relief Initiative (MRI) was conceived based on the collective vision of seven Americans and two Kenyans who wanted to find a uniform way to provide help and assistance to the children of Mombasa, Kenya.


Beginning in 1993, these individuals started going to Kenya on vacation to buy art for sale in the U.S.


These trips grew into a great love for the people and culture of Kenya. Eventually, in March 2001, they formed MRI, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Our Story

Starting in 1993, members of MRI began visiting Kenya on vacation and to collect African art for resale in the United States. However, the more trips we made, the more we fell in love with the people and culture. Finally, in March 2001, the group while in Mombasa decided to act.

 You Can Help! We've partnered with one of the largest haircare suppliers in Kenya.

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Our Programs

MRI’s mission is to serve the children of Mombasa, Kenya through three key initiatives: (1) Health (2) Education, and (3) Economic Empowerment. These initiatives are addressed in several programs, one of which is our Feminine Products Program.


Our education initiatives have provided the tools necessary for students to be successful, such as student sponsorships, text books, desks, electricity, and other basic school supplies.


Our Health programs focus on education and intervention to address basic and critical health needs. We provide feminine products, HIV/Aids workshops, mosquito nets, nutrition programs, and much more.


We empower Kenyans through our Poultry Program, Cow Purchase Program, and other training programs that allow them to provide their own food and resources.

Children Supported




2023 Donations


Families Supported


Image by Eva Blue

Our Success Stories




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Mombasa Relief Initiative is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt, non-profit organization serving the needs of Kenyan children for over 20 years

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